Ayo that's a nice ride, it would be a damn shame if something happened to it...

Vehicle Insurance Lots allow you to insure your precious, hard-earned vehicles in case something goes wrong. To insure your vehicle, park it ouside the lot and head inside to insure it at the checkpoint. Insurance will have a daily fee to prevent the permanent loss of your vehicles, and the cost will depend on how many vehicles you have insured.

Additionally, there are few options inside like viewing a list of your insured vehicles, call for other vehicles from other lots and track an insured vehicle if it has been stolen or abandoned for a fee.

If your vehicle has been destroyed or abandoned, return to the Insurante Lot where you insured it and restore it for a fee. Note that your vehicle modifications will save as long as you insured after modding it.

Type /vehinsurance (/vehiinfo, /vehii) at any time to view your vehicles in their respective insurance lots.