Ayo that's a nice ride, it would be a damn shame if something happened to it...

Vehicle Insurance Lots allow you to insure your precious, hard-earned vehicles in case something goes wrong. To insure your vehicle, park it ouside the lot and head inside to insure it at the checkpoint. Insurance will have a daily fee, and the cost will depend on how many vehicles you have insured. You will find Insurance lots with the following icon on the map:

Additionally, there are few options inside like viewing a list of your insured vehicles, call for other vehicles from other lots, track an insured vehicle if it has been stolen or abandoned for a fee and check for available vehicles for sale by other players.

If your vehicle has been destroyed or abandoned, return to the Insurante Lot where you insured it and restore it for a fee. You can modify your vehicle and pay for an insurance update after. Failing to pay insurance fees will result in going to debt, but you will not lose your vehicles.

Type /vehinsurance (/vehiinfo, /vehii) at any time to view your vehicles in their respective insurance lots.