Welcome Cops and Robbers Next Generation! We have prepared a list of our Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.). You can also use the /faq command to get a list of Frequently Asked Questions while in-game for your convenience. If you cannot find an answer to your question here, feel free to contact any Community Contributor, Guide or Admin.




How do I play?

Complete missions and objectives related to your skill! Use commands in the chat starting with a forward slash (/). Type /rules to see our rules. Visit our website for more information.

I'm lost, how can I find locations on the map?

Use /gps and select a destination and follow the minimap to navigate you to where you need to go!

My chat disappeared, how can I get it back?

Press L to toggle chat visibility. This can be changed in your game settings > FiveM > Keybinds tab.

My minimap disappeared, how can I get it back?

Press J to toggle the HUD. This can be changed in your Keybinds under the FiveM tab.

How do you enter a vehicle as a passenger?

Press G next to the passenger door you want to get in.

What is the submission key?

The default submission key is 2 in a vehicle and MMB (middle mouse button) on foot.

How do I suicide?

There is no suicide command. It’s Grand Theft Auto, be creative!

What are Unfair Deaths?

Unfair Deaths are deaths that have no negative impact on your gameplay or bank balance.

What are Sieges/Terrorist Attacks?

A Siege is a fun mini-game that allow players to play on the police and terrorist teams for the control of an area. Dying on a siege is considered an unfair death! For more info visit sieges.

What do player colors mean? 


How to arrest or ticket?

Use the commands /arrest or /ticket or use the hotkeys. Default: 2 in police vehicles or MMB (middle mouse button) on foot. Cops can only arrest while on foot.

How can I be a cop?

Visit any police station to enlist as a cop.

How can I get weapons as a cop?

Police officers can obtain weapons at checkpoints at the police stations using police credits.

How can I get police credits?

Do cop work! Ticket and arrest criminals and complete police /missions

How do I become a paramedic?

Visit any hospital to enlist as a paramedic.

How can I heal other players?

You can offer your services with /sell or using the skill menu (Default key: M or command /skillmenu).

What are 10-Codes?

10-Codes are pre-made chat sentences used to relay information quickly (e.g "10-4" - Okay, Affirmative). Use /codes for a list of all 10-codes available.


How do I gain score?

Complete missions or objectives from the skill you choose. You lose 1 score each time you die.

How can I change my skill?

Visit the City Hall to purchase a skill change. New players may change their skills for free!

How can I change my skin?

Visit any hospital to purchase a skin change. New players may change their skins for free!

How can I fish?

Go to the coast or to a river and /fish! Even better get a boat so you can be left alone! Go to a General Store to get fishing items to be more efficient. 

How can I hunt?

Go into the countryside and /hunt! From then on animals you shoot on foot can be taken as game and sold at General Stores or Restaurants.

How do you buy guns?

Visit Ammunation or request a Gunrunner with /weapons to come to you!

Where is the car export crane?

It's marked as a white car with an anchor icon on the map. Alternatively, use the command "/gps export" to set navigation to the export crane.


How do I make money?

There are plenty of activities and missions for you to do. Some of them include fishing, hunting, selling vehicles, truck delivery, and many more!

How do I not lose all my money when I die?

Purchase life insurance policies at City Hall. 1 life insurance policy is used each time you die, and you may carry up to 5. Unfair deaths do not use life insurance policities. Alternatively, you can request medical assistance if there are medics available when you die. Wait for them to arrive and perform a CPR on you.

How can I refill my health?

Buy food from General stores, go to the hospital, call a paramedic with /medic, or buy and use drugs (be careful not to overdose!)

What is the Gold Rush?

Gold Rush is a mini-event. Reach the location (green blinking circle in the map) and find the trolley full of gold before anyone else for some cash! Use /goldrush for more information. 

What is the Market System?

Most of the skills/missions are linked to the dynamically integrated CnR:NG market system. Player actions affect supply and demand within the game. Everything you do including selling drugs, trucking, fishing, etc. has a direct impact on the prices of good and services. You can use the /market command to view current market rates.

How do I play the lottery?

You need $2500 to participate, use /lotto (number) to select your lucky number!

Can I drop money?

Yes, you can use /moneybag (amount) to drop a moneybag and let players find and collect it.


How do I get a vehicle?

It’s Grand Theft Auto, steal one! You may also purchase vehicles at any Car Dealership.

How to fix my vehicle?

Visit repair points (marked with a gas can icon on the map) or purchase vehicle repair kits (use /repair next to your vehicle) at the General Store.

Can I lock my vehicle so it doesn’t get stolen?

Yes, use /lock (/lk) command. To unlock the vehicle, re-type the command. The vehicle is automatically unlocked if you enter it.

Can I save my vehicle?

Vehicles can be saved in properties and garages. Vehicles destroyed in gameplay can be recovered if they have been insured.

How do I buy a house?

Go to the entrance checkpoint of a house for sale (green house icon) to buy it. Enable properties icons on /settings.

How long will I have my house?

Houses will remain yours unless you do not log in on the server for 15 days. After that, the house is forfeited and put for sale by the bank. The property value is refunded but the storage is lost.


Can I create a group with my friends?

Organizations can be created at City Hall. Use /organizationinvite or /orginvite to invite people to your organization.

How can I use voice chat?

Enable voice chat in /settings, the key to activate it will depend on your keybinds (default: N). In addition to proximity voice chat, global voice chat can be done within /organizationvoice with players of the same organization. Server rules regarding behavior apply to voice chat as well.

Can I directly message another player?

Use /pm (player id) to start a private messaging chat with an individual player. 

Can I block a person from messaging me?

Use /ignore (player id) to block text and voice chat from a certain player. The command /nopm turns off all incoming private messages.

Can I rob stores in groups?

If all players are in the same organization use /crew to set yourselves as a robbing crew! Money earned from robberies can be automatically split between crew members.


What are Regular Players and how do I become one?

Regular players are well, as the name implies, players that play regularly on our server. They have access to the Regular Player's Club in Vespucci. All players that reach the 100-hour milestone are automatically promoted to Regular Player.

How do I report a rulebreaker/cheater?

Use /report with the player name or ID and description of what is happening. Player complaints are also taken on Discord.

How can I save my progress/stats?

Your player stats are saved automatically. Your stats can be viewed outside of the game at cnr.ng/stats

How can I participate further in the community?

Join our Discord (cnr.ng/discord)!

Can I have multiple accounts?

No, players are allowed to have only one (1) account. Name changes can be done on special occasions by contacting a head admin on Discord.

What are Quick Strings?

Quick Strings allow you to communicate important information much quicker, like your location ($loc) or wanted level ($lvl) for example.

How can I appeal my ban?

You can post your ban appeal via the Appeal a Ban form. Please note that if you have been banned for cheating you may not appeal your ban.

How do I submit suggestions?

Suggestions related to server or gameplay or new features can be submitted in our dedicated suggestions board on Discord. Occasionaly, we host Community Roundtables on Discord to debate topics of interest regarding the gameplay. Everyone is welcome to participate!

Can I use mods in the server?

Texture overhaul mods are allowed in-game with a general consensus that they do not offer any unfair advantages over players who do not use them. However, scripts that provide an unfair advantage are forbidden and could result in a ban if you are caught using them. Consult with an Admin if you have any questions.

How can I donate to the server? What do I get being a donator?

First of all: Thank you! Donations help keep our server running. If you have donated, fill the form here to claim your donating player status. Please keep in mind that donating players are not entitled to any special treatment on the server or anywhere within the bounds of our community and the rules apply to everyone equally. As a token of appreciation for their support, donating players receive the following perks in-game:


What are Admins and how do I become one?

Administrators are players that have been around the community for a long time. They follow the rules, help other players and actively engage with the community. Please do NOT ask to be an admin. If you show admin qualities, we will find you.

What are Beta Testers? How do I become one?

Beta Testers are players that help the development team in testing new gameplay features. Testers are part of the Community Team and are selected based on an application process. Testers are rewarded for their contribution and inactive testers are replaced with new testers. Closed Beta Testers are players that participated during our Closed Beta period.

What are Community Contributors?

Community Contributor is a title given to players who make CnR:NG a better place and an everlasting impact. If you are up for the challenge of making the server a better place, please check out the community teams page and apply to teams that you are interested in!